Jul 17, 2005 14:16
Dirty Dancing!! YES!! great song...
Ugh, I'm so busy lately, but at the same time...not...lol
I have so many things to do to get ready for...nevermind...
I need a care severely...too bad I'm not one of those little rich snots who has one waiting for them before they even have their license...*sigh* that's sickening...
I have the money...just need to go look, but i can't go myself cause i'd get suckered into something like an idiot...hmph
Is it just me or is it hotter than a CROTCH!!?? CRIPES
Brandon's mom has her surgery tomorrow =c( But everything will be ok =c) She has a fibroid tumor, so she needs a hysterectomy (spelling??) but she'll be fine =c)
I have two horrible mosquito bites on my arm...damnit all to hell!!!
Canal fest starts today...i need to go sometime...last year I went with my heather!! GAH i miss ya!!
ugh, so stressed out...bye bye