Jan 27, 2008 23:25

Oh, a heart. A heart is found without blister or boil. It is held without warning or foul play and no one is the wiser of its greatness. I tend to forget when and where it began to salivate for my tongue. A bleeding flesh-wound could not argue against its demands; and when it calls, you answer a hundred times. “Yes!”

Yes, the heart is a tricky devil; blinding vision and clarity with its pride. And to the heart, only the bearer remains truly righteous. Once, set on its desires, there is neigh an enemy great enough to stop its fury. When consumed by it, you will find yourself in the gravest of companies. For there, in the belly of the beast, you will shake hands with them: Greed, Pride, Lust, Gluttony, Wrath, Envy and Sloth. The Seven Deadly Sins, like the Four Horsemen, were born of the flesh. They are destroyers of men. And the heart is their king.

Thursday morn, the hunt began. Through the trees & weeds; over rock and dirt and bone and blood the men clamored for glory. Throwing their weight against each other; each one lusted after the sweetness of victory and when it came, its pockets were rich & deep indeed. But nothing is free in this world. They must sacrifice what matters the most in times of passion and struggle. The heart. Yes, the blood organ. No veins or tunnels of atrophy, no red meat or cold, blue arteries; just the heart. And when the victor came down the mountain, he was no longer a man, but a hollow beast. He had tasted of her lips & legs and found satisfaction.

Her mane in his face, he stuck to his mantra, “I no longer stand on two legs or wander in vain. No longer filthy with shame. No more body giving way. No disease or decay or begging for you to stay. It was the dust from whence I came, and to the dust will I remain”.
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