(no subject)

Oct 01, 2005 09:42

Okay, so I lied - trials did NOT go great. It was raining and FREEZING for August - The players on the team did well, (of course) but I spent the majority of the day sorting through firsties and second years who barely knew how to ride a broom. They all deserved a chance, even if I already knew - and had their chance they did. One tiny little girl could barely lift the bat to try out for beater, and when she tried out for chaser, she lost control of her broom and fell off about a couple hundred meters from the ground. I was already in the air and I barely made it to her in time - I caught her by her ankle, and Hermione managed to throw a levitation spell, because for a little girl she was pretty heavy and she nearly dragged me off my broom as well.

To top it off, I had to spend all the rest of my weekend on my never ending list of essays and reading assignments. I've already got TWO detentions (yeah, thanks Hermione) for this week planned and I know that Snape called dibs on me for one of those, so we'll see what kind of new torture he'll have for me. I'll probably be licking all the cauldrons clean or some shit. [block Hermione] I did manage to sneak down to Hogsmeade (even though I wasn't supposed to.. I know it's dangerous, yadda yadda) because I had to pay a visit to Madam Maulkin's. Managed to pick up a few things for some people at the various stores there, including Weasley's shop - so you'll all just have to wait for the surprises. *snicker*

Oi, I have to go, Ron's waiting for me to go to the Library to work on our potions essay. .. even though I don't see why, because I'm going to fail regardless.

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