***Hippocampus: Seahorse*** The princess had lived in many places: The woods where she had her animal friends to play with, the mountains where she could breathe the fresh, clean air and ... the sea
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Melancholic and also sad to the point where it makes your heart ache. I could be straight forward and ask something but i think this question is already answered anyways *hugs*
never would have guessed that hippocampus means seahorse o_o
it's sad what love can do to you. You should think it's a positive and nice emotion, shouldn't you? Most of the time it's like the totally contrary though. Hurting, biting and unrequited. So I ask myself all the time what's with all those people who are so happily in love? I don't really believe in it anymore. Isn't it always more than not, painful? As if everone's just lying straight in the faces of others, saying "i'm happy". *shrugs* XD ignore my ranting ^^;
the question... ~ as sad as it is i don't think that everyone is born as a princess. Or rather; you are not seen as one. What means princess anyways? Being pretty, spoiled and happy? I don't really understand the meaning of princess. Is 'princess' not something everyone likes. A 'princess' is admired by everyone because she's beautiful and well-mannered and nice to everyone. No i don't think every girl is a princess because there are those who are not that fortunate to be like that. As sad as the reality is... ^^; It would be great though, if the society would finally start seeing not only the beautiful ones as a 'princess' but also those who aren't one on the first look... (<- dork! again)
If you like, ask the question. I would love to hear it.
Well, love can be good, too. There are many kinds of love and quite possibly the love you have for your friends or family is the best kind of love there is. It's deep and it doesn't depend on looks, behaviour or anything. Your family and friends will always love you for who you are and I sure do love you. ^-^
A princess ... maybe, all I mean by that is that you have the FEELING that you are special and right the way you are. And that you are loved, no matter by whom.
the question itself is pretty simple: is that princess you? cause i believe it is so~ *hugs* (my my am i not straight forward today? XD; *drop*)
yeah i know what you mean. maybe i'm just a lil bit too strange today XD; *DROP*
uh XD; i tend to overanalyze everything i guess ._. i'm sorry XD i shouldn't spam your lj like that but i really can't hold back when reading such things or issues ... maybe i should stop with giving everyone my opinion in everything XDDD arghz~ sr~y *huggles* *versuch meine nase nich mehr überall reinzustecken* *_*" *löl* >XD <3
Yes, it's me. Not necessarily the me that is now, but a me that once existed. Somewhere.
And please don't stop analyzing things! ;_; I love it when you do that. This journal was meant for this. To discuss things beside J-Rock, because, as much as we all love it, we have a life beside it, ne?
see? i knew the answer XD; or at least a part of it .__. *hugs*~
XD; *lol* yeah you couldn't believe we really have a life outside of jrockland ne? sometimes i really don't think so cause sometimes jrock is the only thing which helps me to get through everythign X_x sound stupid but i'm more than happy to come home sometimes and just listen to jrock, lying on my bed, as if it's some kind of therapy X____X" *shrugs* XD; hach~ *hust* *_*" *flauschl*
Ja, das stimmt. Ich wüsste oft nicht, was ich täte, wenn es nicht die Musik gäbe, die mich durch jeden Tag meines Lebens begleitet. Ich liebe diese Jungs so sehr für das, was sie mir geben und ich werde das nie vergessen.
::seufz:: Es ist nur so irgendwie, und dazu kommen wir noch später, dass eine gewisse Person mir zumindest eine Band für immer ruiniert hat. Ich werde zumindest Saga nie wieder mögen können.
Das ist irgendwie traurig, weil es ja nicht seine Schuld ist und er nichts von alledem ahnt, aber nun ja ...
ja irgendwie ..... irgendwie gibt sie einem eben etwas ._. ich kanns auhc nicht erklären... ^^; auf jeden fall verdanke ich jrock und eben auch besonders meiner lieblingsband einiges weil ich schon so oft ans aufgegeben gedacht habe aber immer soetwas kleines zurückgehalten hat...
nun ja ich vermute jetzt etwas aber ich warte lieber ab ^^; ne band hat mir zum glück noch nie jemand richtig verdorben allerdings.... wenn ich gewisse personen von einer band sehe oder so dann erinnern sie mich an leute die mir weh getan haben und ich glaube das kommt FAST aufs gleiche raus XD; aba nur fast... ich denke so etwas wird man eben nie wieder in seinem leben vergessen *mir manchmal wünsch teile von meinem gedächtnis einfach löschen zu können*
Hmmm, ich denke wir werden bald zu diesem bewussten Teil kommen, und ich möchte dich da um etwas bitten ... bitte flipp nicht aus und rede bitte mit NIEMANDEM, der sie kennt, darüber. Es ist sehr persönlich und ich möchte, dass sowohl zu ihrem als auch meinem eigenen Schutz keiner, der uns beide kennt, davon weiß. Das wäre einfach nicht gut.
Nicht, dass ich dir misstraue oder so. Ich möchte nur sicher sein und ich möchte auch nicht, dass du eine schlechtere Meinung oder so von mir hast. ._.
ich glaube da mussu dir keine sorgen machen XD; diese person is seit vorgestern nich mehr auf meiner flist und ich habe keine absicht jemals wieder wirklich ein wort über diese person zu verlieren XDDDD; *lol* von dem her ..... X___x sagen wir's mal so: ich hab nen teil bei meinem LJ entry post (der private da) nicht gepostet, den ich eigentlich posten wollte weil es eine person verletzt hätte, die noch kontakt zu ihr hat. den hab ich erst gepostet und dann schnell wieder editiert. von dem her... XD; Freundschaftlcihe Liebe kann sich SEHR schnell in hass umwandeln... bei mir hat's das so krass es auch klingt ^^;
I could be straight forward and ask something but i think this question is already answered anyways *hugs*
never would have guessed that hippocampus means seahorse o_o
it's sad what love can do to you. You should think it's a positive and nice emotion, shouldn't you? Most of the time it's like the totally contrary though. Hurting, biting and unrequited.
So I ask myself all the time what's with all those people who are so happily in love? I don't really believe in it anymore. Isn't it always more than not, painful? As if everone's just lying straight in the faces of others, saying "i'm happy".
XD ignore my ranting ^^;
the question... ~
as sad as it is i don't think that everyone is born as a princess. Or rather; you are not seen as one. What means princess anyways? Being pretty, spoiled and happy? I don't really understand the meaning of princess.
Is 'princess' not something everyone likes. A 'princess' is admired by everyone because she's beautiful and well-mannered and nice to everyone.
No i don't think every girl is a princess because there are those who are not that fortunate to be like that.
As sad as the reality is... ^^; It would be great though, if the society would finally start seeing not only the beautiful ones as a 'princess' but also those who aren't one on the first look...
(<- dork! again)
Well, love can be good, too. There are many kinds of love and quite possibly the love you have for your friends or family is the best kind of love there is. It's deep and it doesn't depend on looks, behaviour or anything. Your family and friends will always love you for who you are and I sure do love you. ^-^
A princess ... maybe, all I mean by that is that you have the FEELING that you are special and right the way you are. And that you are loved, no matter by whom.
yeah i know what you mean. maybe i'm just a lil bit too strange today XD; *DROP*
uh XD; i tend to overanalyze everything i guess ._. i'm sorry XD i shouldn't spam your lj like that but i really can't hold back when reading such things or issues ... maybe i should stop with giving everyone my opinion in everything XDDD arghz~ sr~y *huggles* *versuch meine nase nich mehr überall reinzustecken* *_*" *löl* >XD <3
Yes, it's me. Not necessarily the me that is now, but a me that once existed. Somewhere.
And please don't stop analyzing things! ;_; I love it when you do that. This journal was meant for this. To discuss things beside J-Rock, because, as much as we all love it, we have a life beside it, ne?
see? i knew the answer XD; or at least a part of it .__. *hugs*~
XD; *lol* yeah you couldn't believe we really have a life outside of jrockland ne? sometimes i really don't think so cause sometimes jrock is the only thing which helps me to get through everythign X_x sound stupid but i'm more than happy to come home sometimes and just listen to jrock, lying on my bed, as if it's some kind of therapy X____X" *shrugs* XD; hach~ *hust* *_*" *flauschl*
::seufz:: Es ist nur so irgendwie, und dazu kommen wir noch später, dass eine gewisse Person mir zumindest eine Band für immer ruiniert hat. Ich werde zumindest Saga nie wieder mögen können.
Das ist irgendwie traurig, weil es ja nicht seine Schuld ist und er nichts von alledem ahnt, aber nun ja ...
nun ja ich vermute jetzt etwas aber ich warte lieber ab ^^; ne band hat mir zum glück noch nie jemand richtig verdorben allerdings.... wenn ich gewisse personen von einer band sehe oder so dann erinnern sie mich an leute die mir weh getan haben und ich glaube das kommt FAST aufs gleiche raus XD; aba nur fast... ich denke so etwas wird man eben nie wieder in seinem leben vergessen *mir manchmal wünsch teile von meinem gedächtnis einfach löschen zu können*
Nicht, dass ich dir misstraue oder so. Ich möchte nur sicher sein und ich möchte auch nicht, dass du eine schlechtere Meinung oder so von mir hast. ._.
von dem her... XD;
Freundschaftlcihe Liebe kann sich SEHR schnell in hass umwandeln... bei mir hat's das so krass es auch klingt ^^;
mach dir also keine sorgen <3
Gab es eigentlich einen bestimmten Auslöser für dich sie zu löschen oder hast du's einfach so gemacht?
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