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Oct 11, 2006 22:51

Alot has been going on iv been really busy & im loving it

I miss everyone from claflin alot sometimes i honestly think that it was my worst mistake leaving. I think eveyrhting would be easier if i moved there when i was suspot to.

This year there was the best year and the hardest to let go of.

I have been hanging out wiht emily alot again & im loving it, i knew i missed her but   i think now that shes around i relize how much i did.

Laura and i have been ahngign out its nice, im glad that we can actually  talk shit out now  instead of just nto tlaking and not rlelay knwoing y.

Katie is basically amazing and we r always together. Jen is also amazing  lol  u keep me busy & lauhging & i  <3 u .

Crystal was amazing till she jsut decided to not tlak to us anymore lol.4 whatever reason , whatever  if shes got toehr shit gogin on thats fine  but i think @ least either a call back or  a call on one of her bestfinreds bdays would have been nice after just not showing up.

I hate stupid fights liek wiht crystal iu have no diea y shes even mad @ me i knwo she is cuz well she doe snot eveyr answer her phone or call me back & shes bithcy to me when we r face to face, whatever its her own deal.& Shawn i get in stupid fights wiht him i think jsut cuz i can tzke thigning out on him and knwo that 4 some strange reason hell still love me lol .

Im still in love wiht Tyler & Prolly always will be
& im also still in love wiht jesse & i love when we hang out hes so cute <3

I am aplying to a bunch of college in Kansas, my mom wants me to go close to home but fuck that this is not where i want to be. I want to go to kansas, U call all make fun of me call me a hick but i love it there & thats all there is 2 it. IF you went there with me ud know. I know it will eb hard being that far away  but i wont be far away from eveyrone i have people there & fmaily there & im guann do eveyrhting i can to save our claflin house.

The claflin house my great g pa built and my fmaily has lived in 4 ever  now my mom, aunt & 2 uncles own ti they were neevr guann sell it we had all sorts of plans 4 us all to move back then my dad owuldnt let us then  my aunt mom and uncle George were gunan retire there that also has changed  cuz of BRAD! the beast & my aunt just brought a house wiht her boyfirned and my uncle jsut moved to newmexico cuz he went bankrupt long sotry  , they r thignking og selling the house. I did not knwo that till i got there we were moving eveyrhting in  as usual  and  i overheard my mom and aunt. I just sat on my bed and i didnt knwo what to do  i coudltn ever imagine not being able to go bakc to that house& someone sle living there it not being ares my aunt ruth  todl em it woudlnt be 4 at leats 2 yrs .... I will do anything i cna to save that hosue i will move in there i will live there i will raise my kids there i dont care i love it there & i wanna be there. I love eveyrone here but  when im there i can just 4 egt everythign  and  eveyrhting is simpler and im in love wiht it its home 2 me  ct has never been my home. No one took me seriously  untill i staretd applying to shcools in kansas my mom and me got in a big fight about it but i refuse to apply here. I dont wnan be here i wnan be there and thats how it is. Its not just 4 the hsoue its 4 the town & the surpounding towns & atmosphire of it all.

im the one that enevr prepared 4 anything, and never got the best grades  but i am a stong perosn willing 2 fight 4 things. & im guann fight 4 this and i want it bad enough that im guann fiht till i get it.
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