Jan 24, 2004 19:01
my mouse keeps breaking on me - how frusterating is that!
ive been meaning to write, but never seemed to have time, guess thats what i deserve when i leave too much stuff to the last minute!
yesterday i got my hair cut, about time too! no idea why i kept putting it off! so igot it somewhere on queen street near that tibet store with my sister. it was great there was this little 6 month chichwawa (no idea on the spelling sorry!) and it had hair so it was cute! it was running around with a parka! so when i got my hair wash i swear it was heaven. i love getting my hair washed wheni get my hair done, no idea why.. but this time i got a real head massage it was soo great! and the guy cuttign my hair was sooo cool! he was like i guess in his 20's and he had the coolest boots on and he was from poland (not tha really mattered but he was just nice). anyway i loved my hair when i left and no im like blah i doesnt look like i cut it!.. i hate how im like NEVER happy with my hair, whats wrong with me! but afterwords went to get momos (soo good! but last time i got then was in india actally.. woah! btw they are a tibetan food ifyou are wondering what the hell). after went and met with bro, mum and dad for chinese at of course the same one we go to all the time.. i love it there!
has anyone ever noticed how frutersating famillies can be. i have no idea if its just mine, but it seems that everyone in my house gets like mid-life crisis and "growing pains" all at the same time! my sister who doesnt know what she is doing gets frusterated and is annoying at times cuz she is just floating.. and bothers me all te time.. and im like in a pissy mood alot.. no idea why! great. then my brother(little) is getting like that teenager bitchy attitue where he just goes hwatever or like ahhhhhh you want to punch him and shake it out. its not the greatest also when i dislike his freinds (and he knows that) but he doesnt even hang out with them alot so thats fine, thank gosh for horseys. my dad is in his midlike crisis bobbing up and down, way to much engergy and is annoying otherwise he is in a werid mood or in a whats yoru problem mood, yelling alot! then my mom who gets frusterated and upset way to easliy all of a sudden. we've had a hard year, but its so hard getting anything done or living in here at times. at times i just want to scream, run and get out. yesh i have to get my lisence or somehow get out more cuz im getting frusterated too much! whats wrong with me! ah!!!!!!!!!!!!!
im frusterated with home
frusterated with school
frusterated with life and all the little things
frusterdated with me
whats wrong with me!