(no subject)

Aug 10, 2007 06:07

so the house got crowded even more with one of my room mates, one of mike's relatives moved with her kid. but we lost one in exchange, ritchie holt.
though he knew what he was doin so there's no bad blood or anything.
as for everything else, i stopped going by jeff's.
got the impression i'm no longer welcome there, since danny paskavietch decided to take the time and make up a story how they moved to MI
so there goes a set of friends that never really enjoyed my company.
though he could've just said, don't come over anymore
don't really hang out with Kelsea Lewis any more either, she's been tied up with a boy friend and now has a job
everyone is kinda doing the whole gettin in to a relationship and job and settling down routine
don't really much hang out with anyone anymore, besides Andy Miller
hang out with some old friends when Andy decides to go to Danny's house
weird... all my friends are dropping like flies
now i can count all the friends i hang out with on one hand, that's kind of pathetic
guess i should've been more careful of who i think of as my friends and who are just people i know
and here i am, the only one that has nothing good to say.
that's right kids, i ain't one of those type of people that only like to think about happiness
i do the bad and good, balance
constant happiness is ignorance as it would be the same with the bad
just puttin down what's i see, hear, and think as it should be
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