Mar 08, 2006 18:02
well, its not really a pregnancy test, but more like a boy or girl test....even though ive only done it with ppl that have already been born, and well....hopefully we know what they are. heh.
ok, so you need 2 numbers.
1.) The Age of the mother when the baby was concieved
2.) The Month when conceived
so if the numbers are different (meaning one is odd, and the other even), the baby will be a girl.
ex: mom is 21 and baby was conceived in april (21 is odd, 4 is even) its a girl.
if the numbers are both even, or both odd, it will be a boy.
ex: mom is 24 and baby was conceived in october (even, even)
ex: mom is 23 and baby was conceived in january (odd, odd)
its crazy cuz its true. heh.
so yea. when u wanna get pregnant, and u wanna plan what you wanna have, just remember this. it works.