i just now got my class ring. haha, it's only a few months late! it's pretty :)
i think claire's sick, so i don't think we'll be able to go to ming's tonight :( but i don't have a ride anyways, so it's cool.
courtney was sick or something today :( you hoface, i missed you
i want to go shopping. and i want an ipod. i think i'm going to buy one in a few months... maybe they won't be as expensive.. and i'm sure i'll have more cash then, from carhopping more. i don't like cashing my paychecks. deposit deposit deposit.
you what really sucks you guys? my throat is starting to hurt! meaning i'm coming down with whatever my mom had! meaning i will probably get really sick. no good.
euro test tomorrow. yuck. i don't feel like studying.
i think i'm going to watch a movie. or blast music. or something. i hate being home alone.
1.what is your name? marianne
2.Are you named after anyone? no, but my grandma wanted to name me mary zelle. and her name was ann. maybe that had something to do with it?
3.What's your screename? definitelyxcool. because i am.
4.Would you name a child of yours after you? no
5.If you were born a member of the opposite sex what would your name be? William Clyde
6.If you could switch names with a friend who would it be? NO ONE!!! i would hate to have a common name.
7.Are there any mispronounciations? i get marian a lot. like maid marian. and everyone misspells my first and last name.
8.Would you drop your last name if you became famous? yeah, my last name is lame.
9.Your gender: female
10.Straight/Gay/Bi: straight
11.Single? quite
12.If not, do you want to be? umm... if it were ****. anyone else i really don't care that much.
13.Birthdate: feb 27, 1989. 16 in 24 days, you whores
14.Your age: 15
15.Age you act: oh god. i act like i'm 60
16.Age you wish you were: 17
17.Your height: 5'9
18.Eye color: blue
19.Happy with it? love it. i get compliments :)
20.Hair color: reddish brown
21.Happy with it? i'd hope so.. i dyed it that color.
22.Lefty/righty/ambidextrous: righty
23.Your living arrangement: as of right now, mom sister dog
24.Your family: drama drama drama. but my mom is fucking awesome when she wants to be.
25.Have any pets? shmackle dackle doo doo head
26.Whats your job? fountain/carhop at sonic
27.Piercings? 5 in ears.
28.Tattoos? i don't want any. too permanent. i'd definitely regret it.
29.Obsessions? eating. sleeping. school.
30.Addictions? computer. nothing else, thank god.
31.Do you speak another language? i'm in spanish 3!!!
32.Have a favorite quote? "Oh Yankee!"
33.Do you have a webpage? used to have one called strawberry gashes.. haha, in 8th grade. what a loser!
34.Do you live in the moment? i'm more of a "think about the consequences" kind of person.
35.Do you consider yourself tolerant of others? to an extent. unless you just piss me off.
36.Do you have any secrets? not anything important.
37.Do you hate yourself? omg i hate myself sooooo much! omg feel sorry for me! omg my life sucks! hahahaha
38.Do you like your handwriting? nah, but other people do! apparently it's neat!
39.Do you have any bad habits? biting my nails. sitting at the computer all fucking day.
40.What is the compliment you get from most people? "you're eyes/hair are/is so pretty!"
41.If a movie was made about your life, what would it be called? i am awesome.
42.What's your biggest fear? i don't have a greatest fear. i have small fears.
43.Can you sing? oh yeah, baby! just listen to the recordings on lauren's phone! hhahah
44.Do you ever pretend to be someone else just to look cool? wow. loser. no.
45.Are you a loner? no
46.What are your #1 priorities in life? friends, school, family, work
47.If you were another person, would you be friends with you? haha, i'd probably hate me. i can't stand people who are exactly like me
48.Are you a daredevil? sure....
49.Is there anything you fear or hate about yourself? personality wise - not really
50.Are you passive or aggressive? passive. once again, unless you piss me off. in which case i am quite aggressive, lol
51.What is your greatest strength and weakness? strength- i'm smart. weakness- i use it in bad ways, sometimes.. :)
52.Do you think you are emotionally strong? very
53.Do you think life has been good so far? yes
54.What is the most important lesson you've learned from life? don't take people's shit and don't be stupid
55.What do you like the most about your body? eyes
56.And least? my butt
57.Do you think you are good looking? reasonably
58.Are you confident? yeah
59.What is the fictional character you are most like? omg, lizzie mcguire!!!
60.Are you perceived wrongly? i dunno, some people see me as a bitch before they know me, but then once we're friends they say i'm really sweet. and other people think i'm a whore, but that's not true, either. those are the misconceptions i've heard so far.
Do You...
61.Smoke? smoking is fucking disgusting. i do not smoke. don't smoke around me.
62.Do drugs? in the past, yes.
63.Read the newspaper? only if there's nothing else to do when i'm eating breakfast. so no.
64.Pray? no
65.Go to church? not in 3 years
66.Talk to strangers who IM you? sure, why not
67.Sleep with stuffed animals? rarely. they just get in the way.
68.Take walks in the rain? um YEAH! i can't wait til spring so it rains and is warm!
69.Talk to people even though you hate them? if i don't like them i try not to talk to them
70.Drive? yeah
71.Like to drive fast? no, driving fast is stupid. learn from others mistakes. go the speed limit, it's there for a reason.
72.Would or Have You Ever?
73.Liked your voice? my voice sounds so different in my head. but yeah, i really sound like a man
74.Hurt yourself? haha, not intentionally
75.Been out of the country? never
76.Eaten something that made other people sick? umm... no?
77.Been in love? no
78.Done drugs? yes
79.Gone skinny dipping? i totally am this summer
80.Had a medical emergency? nooo
81.Had surgery? i had this extra tooth and they had to cut it out
82.Ran away from home? no
83.Played strip poker? nah, i'm too good at poker. everyone would feel awkward when they were naked and i was still fully clothed.
84.Gotten beaten up? no
85.Beaten someone up? i beat david up every day when he TURNS OFF MY DAMN COMPUTER IN THE MIDDLE OF TAKING NOTES
86.Been picked on? haha, i'd be scared to pick on me
87.Been on stage? yeah
88.Slept outdoors? camp outs, hell yeah
89.Thought about suicide? no
90.Pulled an all nighter? yeah
91.If yes, what is your record? hmm.. somewhere around 36 hours
92.Gone one day without food? when i'm sick i sometimes go a day or two
93.Talked on the phone all night? mhmmm
94.Slept all day? yeah
95.Killed someone? no
96.Made out with a stranger? no
97.Thought you're going crazy? nope
98.Kissed the same sex? haha yeah.
99.Been betrayed? yes
100.Had a dream that came true? haha yeah
101.Broken the law? yeah
102.Met a famous person? yeah dude, i met this famous football player and this skier aaaand these country singers... too bad i don't remember any of their names. and i've met semi-famous people from bands and stuff like that.
103.Have you ever killed an animal by accident? bugs..
104.On purpose? again, bugs
105.Told a secret you swore you wouldn't tell? not that i can remember
106.Stolen anything? like, a dollar from my sister
107.Been on radio/tv? yes
108.Been in a mosh-pit? not intentionally
109.Had a nervous breakdown? nope
110.Bungee jumped? i want to so bad!
111.Had a dream that kept coming back? no
112.Belive in life on other planets? if the universe is as big as they say it is.. there has to be someone somewhere
113.Miracles? no
114.Astrology? no
115.Magic? no
116.God? no
117.Satan? no
118.Santa? duh
119.Ghosts? yes
120.Luck? no
121.Love at first sight? no
122.Yin and yang (that good cant exist w/o bad)? yes
123.Witches? no
124.Easter bunny? no
125.Believe its possible to remain faithful forever? yes
126.Believe theres a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow? i once tried to find it
127.Do you wish on stars? yes
128.Do you have any gay/lesbian friends? hmm.. i dunno actually. i'm probably friends with some closet cases
129.Who is your best friend? i don't have best friends, i have good friends
130.Who's the one person that knows most about you? carol, probably
131.What's the best advice that anyone has ever given to you? carry chapstick with you everywhere. it's a lifesaver.
132.Your favourite inside joke? wow. i couldn't name them all if i wanted to. "it's so close i can feel it!" "oh, yankee!"
133.Thing you're picked on most about? apparently i'm a pregnant man!! haha, thanks dave. love you too.
134.Who's your longest known friend? tara
135.Newest? josh
136.Shyest? jordan
137.Funniest? hmm.. that's hard
138.Sweetest? all my friends are sweet, but lauren e has got to be the winner.
139.Closest? carol
140.Weirdest? that's tough too. i attract a weird crowd...
141.Smartest? megan
142.Ditziest? lauren e
143.Friends you miss being close to the most? janyce
144.Last person you talked to online? jordan and kyle
145.Who do you talk to most online? courtney
146.Who are you on the phone with most? i don't talk on the phone much
147.Who do you trust most? i trust a lot of people
148.Who listens to your problems? all of them
149.Who do you fight most with? if we are talking about current friends, carol.
150.Who's the nicest? i'm not friends with mean people
151.Who's the most outgoing? lauren
152.Who's the best singer? katie
153.Who's on your shit-list? i wonder who
154.Who's your second family? don't have one
155.Do you always feel understood? not always
156.Who's the loudest friend? oh god, lauren hahaha, i think we all know why.....
157.Do you trust others easily? yeah
158.Who's house were you last at? katies, yesterday afternoon
159.Name one person who's arms you feel safe in: ok, i'll sound totally queer if i list of a bunch of girls. haha, so i'll say, ****. of course, that'll never happen, dammit
160.Do your friends know you? i should hope so
161.Friend that lives farthest away: ms. sarah sheppard :( i miss you!
Love and All That
162.Do you consider love a mistake? no
163.What do you find romantic? being completely honest with yourself and others.
164.Turn-on? outgoing and funny, but not obnoxious.. honest. considerate. intelligent.
165.Turn-off? liars. idiots (no offense, i just can't stand completely stupid people). no personality. fakes.
166.First kiss? ew.
167.Have u ever wished it was more socially acceptable 4 a girl 2 ask a guy out? um, it's not the 50s anymore.
168.Do you think the opposite sex finds you good looking? hell if i know. some do, some don't.
169.What's the last present someone gave you? hmm.. i don't remember
170.Are you in love? noooo
171.Do you consider your significant other hot? if i had him i would ;)
Who Was the Last Person...
172.That haunted you? your mom
173.You wanted to kill? i don't want to kill anyone. that's rude.
174.That you laughed at? SPEAKING OF NO EYEBROWS hahahhahahahha we love chris fox.
175.That laughed at you? hmm.. ashley because i was singing along to mudvayne. haha, i hate them so much....
174.That turned you on? carol when she took her bra off at school. THAT WAS HOT.
175.You went shopping with? my mom
176.That broke your heart? no one
177.To disappoint you? take a wild guess
178.To ask you out? i don't even remember.. i'm so unloved!! hahah
179.To make you cry? dad
180.To brighten up your day? haha, FU! with her homosexual gangsta rap in spanish.
181.That you thought about? ^^ haha, it was so funny!
182.You saw a movie with? courtney, katie, lauren, and ryan
183.You talked to on the phone? my mom
184.You talked to through IM? courtney
185.You saw? charlotte and malacker (sp?)
186.You lost? well see, to lose someone you have to actually care that you lost them. sooo i suppose my last real loss was when carol went to middle college. but she came back, so it was only a temporary loss!
Right This Moment...
187.Are you going out? um, what do you mean? right this moment i am doing this survey, duh. i was gunna go to ming's but i don't have a ride and i think claire's sick. so i hope she feels better :( it's no good to eat chinese buffet when you are feeling under the weather...
188.Will it be with your significant other? ha, i wish. (**** *****) teehee courtney!
189.Or some random person? umm yeah stop talking about this gay question. it's not even a good one!
190.What are you wearing right now? jeans, sexy fleece from express.
191.Body part you're touching right now: lips. i pull on them when im bored.
192.What are you worried about right now? nothing besides that damn test i'm going to fail tomorrow. haha, yet i'm sitting here doing this survey.. how smart am i!
193.What book are you reading? 1984 and angels & demons
194.What's on your mousepad? dell symbol
195.Use 5 words to describe how you're feeling: tired, stressed, cold, stiff, stinky (i smell like fucking cigarettes... gross)
196.Are you bored? duh...
197.Are you tired? yes
198.Are you talking to anyone online? yes. my god this is the third time i've answered this question
199.Are you talking to anyone on the phone? no
200.Are you lonely or content? content