I'm not good at updating this thing much anymore. Loads has been happening actually, nothing of much importance but am not too that bothered.
went to the azriel gig last wed at the barfly. was altogether a class night. got to see lesley for the 2nd time that week after a year or so. yas. lot of memories brought up that night though, some guys are just cunts ye know.. fuck it.
College is once again getting repetitive, almost half a year to go then al be able to get the hell away from here, again yas!
Ive had a really good weekend just there. Friday went down to the rugby club with my dad, amina came down after work and we watched the fireworks. am actually a kid, it was so exciting. 'put your glowsticks in the air' It was as close to a rave as i ever plan to get. After just sat at the park smoking and chatting and i found a fiver lying on the groud which to be honest made my night :) So many neds kept talking to us in the park though, for fucks sake, no i hadnt seen argo, or jim or whoever!!
Was up doing the horse most of saturday, hes really coming on, was a star tonight actually, so am happy. Got into town to get nico and max and trooped back to mine. amina jumped up too after her 'meeting'. Maybe i should just fast forward to the end of the night.. i ended up dressed like a ned, damn hot mofo. max was lying half off my bed, amina was in my spare bed telling us all to let her fucking sleep, then there was me and nico, aye...
the guys left around lunchish time, my dad likes them both, heh, so well see i guess, unless you know hes a typical guy.. hmmm. i drove about for a bit, took the horse out for a bit, then had to go to dinner with the family, was pretty tough, i was knackered, and driving with the grandparents in the back, well thats an experience thats not fun. ' my seatbelt wont work, both parts are the same..' i tried to help 'eh well , see that bit, shove it in the other bit' didnt work so the music got turned up. im not good when im tired.
Ocs on the now, see that seth, ooft. and hollyoaks was on earlier, that justin boys awright too :P im liking tv just now.
I've just been told some stuff by a certain young woman thats having me thinking a hell ov a lot.. should i? shouldnt i? maybe its just too complicated.but maybe im diggin some ned.. actually i know i am, and i have for say 2 years, nothings ever happened so why should it now. toxication!! boys boys boys :( or boy and boy and boy.
catch ye's, fox
Why do your eyes paralyze me
What makes me feel this way
Just carry me away with silence and heartbeats
As rapid thinking about your embrace
and how it makes me feel
I just want to feel this way forever
Sleep on portraits painted as perfect as you
Why have I been given the chance to fly
When I'm not with you I feel lesser alone
I remember your face / imprinted on angels
Your voice as beautiful / as the sounds of waves
crashing against my heart
Time slows down when you look at me
I'm infatuated with this / infatuated with you
It's so hard for me to understand why
I hadn't found you before don't dull away
hold my hand