Oct 17, 2006 15:17
you know, I think I forgot how to write entries its been so long. but here goes.
ok ready for basics, I have a decent job that I don't get enough hours at so I need a second one.
I'm single yet again because sarah dumped me with the intention of not seeing anyone else because she's busy and all that. that was a lie. I'm moving out yet again within the next few months considering I was basically told over the summer my family kind of wants me out during one of the heated arguments. which is understandable I guess, but since then everything has been fine, and I got the "I didn't mean it, stay till whenever you need to." I'm pretty sure all parties concerned are getting cabin fever.
not sure what I'm going to do, all I really know is I need to find a way to pay off some debt, buy myself a car, and find myself an apartment. not necassarily in that order.