I've had this LJ since...what, 10th grade?
I think it's time I let it go. The people that read it, cared about it, and that I loved to read about are gone or no longer as important to me, and now it's my turn to leave the LJ world. It's been fun, and I had plenty of good times and even made some friends and learned things off of it, and it certainly helped m through some rough times,but I believe now is the time to say goodbye to this too...most good thing must end, and this is just one of them :)
I'm trying so hard to make so many positive changes to my life, and so many things that were significant to it are fading away or I'm deciding to leave them behind, so this is part of that process...I'll definitely make a blog again soon, I love writing, but I want to do it someplace else for several reasons, including the fact by now lj is inconvinient cause the people most likely to read what I write now don't have accounts on here.
Whenever I create said blog (I'm not sure where I want to do it yet), I'll definitely link to it here to not lose touch with those of you who are still here.
In the meantime...if you ever want to know my whereabouts, or just say hi, this is how you can contact me:
e-mail (probably the only thing I'll never change!): sf1533@hotmail.com
aim: sylvyeatworld / mcorazonidiotasb / g0ld3nt0uch / sylvysaurrr
yahoo: s_y_l_v_y@yahoo.com
lastFM: myheartBEATS
projectplaylist: sylvy
http://www.myspace.com/sylvy1533 facebook: I have one, look me up under my full name.
Much <333, and thanks for everything, + goodbyeeeee,