I am a patient person.

Mar 22, 2006 19:25

Thank you, Mister Avery, for finally going away. I could not believe the amount of time you have forced your presence upon me. I can now breathe again. Men are disgusting creatures. Worse than cats, I think. At least all cats do is shed and occationally claw up the furniture. They don't go around being obnoxious about it.

Now, I am a patient, very understanding person. I tolerate people's retardedness simply because I understand that some people are retarded by nature. I often look past a lot of things. However, I do not appreciate the following: being pelted with socks and other objectionable underwear. Although, I wasn't sure the crotchless panties qualify as 'underwear'. Being bothered by a crazy, hyperactive, mentally-imbalanced person when I am trying to read. Being subjected to a screaming fit because other people are making one angry and incomprehensible. Being woken up by throwing breakfast at my face.

I'm sure I've said this before, but I'll say it again because my day isn't complete without it: I hope you die, Bellatrix. There are many ways for this to happen, yes. You could, for example, slip on a banana peel and smash your head against a stone gargoyle. You could swallow your tongue in your sleep. You could go to the kitchen, sharpen the tip of your wand with a knife and a whetstone, and stab yourself in the jugular after stabbing yourself repeatedly in the eye. You could flush your face in the toilet. The possibilities are limitless! It makes me wonder why you aren't dead yet.
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