Why was I led away from my dormitory yesterday? Bella, who have you been dragging into our rooms? This really has to stop. I will have to send a letter to Professor Slughorn. Again
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It usually is, yes. You --the general 'you', Benjamin, not 'you' yourself. I find you quite sensible.-- are all over-sized three year olds who titter and giggle immaturely about these things. But yes, better sex than murder, I suppose. Isn't there any other options?
Well, for as long as you conduct yourself in private, I don't see how that can be a problem. However, the denizens in this school have the tendency to have the sense of humor and facination of toddlers. Are we? I don't believe I've heard anything about murders.
I can assure you that, were I to have an exhibitionist streak, this would hardly be the place I'd indulge it.
I think that toddlers might actually be a bit more sophisticated than the average student here. They are only temporarily fascinated by the allure of flashing lights, after all
No murders around here, as far as I can tell, but quite a bit of chatter about them a few weeks ago. And that lead to a nice spat of violence.
I suppose you're right. I wonder if it's possible to relocate the majority of the students to the lake, while the better students get to enjoy an idiot-free castle.
In my experience, violence is the daily ritual in Hogy-warty Hogwarts. I don't see how that is out of place.
Alas, I think that we're stuck together for better or for worse. Look at this as character-building, I guess.
It wasn't quite the violence, more the...level of it. But, happily, it seems to have subsided. Rather have Fletcher and Rita making all method of lewd comments at one another than brawls.
Don't think so. Me, I could settle for a nice bout of snogging and a bit of mischief. But we seem to be teetering between the two extremes of late.
I think that toddlers might actually be a bit more sophisticated than the average student here. They are only temporarily fascinated by the allure of flashing lights, after all
No murders around here, as far as I can tell, but quite a bit of chatter about them a few weeks ago. And that lead to a nice spat of violence.
In my experience, violence is the daily ritual in Hogy-warty Hogwarts. I don't see how that is out of place.
It wasn't quite the violence, more the...level of it. But, happily, it seems to have subsided. Rather have Fletcher and Rita making all method of lewd comments at one another than brawls.
*sigh* I suppose so.
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