Oh, don't get your knickers in a bunch about ENTIRELY the wrong issue.
Incidentally, it's a TITLE, as well as a description of position. It's like...you wouldn't call say the Minister of Magic of Germany or something anything but 'Minister' if you met him. He might not be YOUR minister, but it's simple manners to use his title. Also, if you insist on calling me 'Mr.', I'd much rather you used Monsieur, as I am French. Again, simple manners.
I'm glad you are amused by this, Mr. Delame.
It's still Professor, thank you. And personally, I think it's hilarious.
I dissagree. You are no longer my professor, but I still acknowledge everything your taught me, Mr. Delame.
Incidentally, it's a TITLE, as well as a description of position. It's like...you wouldn't call say the Minister of Magic of Germany or something anything but 'Minister' if you met him. He might not be YOUR minister, but it's simple manners to use his title. Also, if you insist on calling me 'Mr.', I'd much rather you used Monsieur, as I am French. Again, simple manners.
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