Oct 25, 2005 18:05
It was my birthday yesterday. I was really happy and really sad at the same time. I always am. I kept thinking about how some people say I make them really sad and how they always want to help me but they feel like they'll hurt me. I feel too delicate. I feel like the first conversation after you break up with your boyfriend. I feel like the shiny porcelain vase on the glass table in the living room that no one can touch. I feel so silly and used. So worn out and thin. My eyes just get heavier and my frown just gets more noticeable. But on the up note...
My brother bought my Anchorman. He always buys me movies. I lvoe it. we have such a weird friendship. I'm his mother and sister. He's my dad and brother.
I sometimes wonder what it would be like if I weren't here. I only want to move to Florida because I feel like everyone would be happier. I am a complication. I am very confusing and vague. I am not ugly for fat or anything. I get that. I am frustating. I'm never open, although I am at the same time. I have awkward opinions and ideas. I have a scary imagination, but I can't ever find anything worth words to write. I'm smart and capable, but I never do anything about it except make things worse.
I need me some TLC. And The new Strokes Cd. And a pimp.
But don't get me wrong, I'm still happy most of the time...