Final of New Moon. xD
Ignore the suck (ie: clothing/blending) that is the Italy scene as much as possible. xD
Sorry I couldn't make Kristen's shirt checkered or completely color Emily's shirt green.
I’d never seen anything more beautiful-even as I ran, gasping and screaming, I could appreciate that. And the last seven months meant nothing.
And his words in the forest meant nothing. And it did not matter if he did not want me.
I would never want anything but him, no matter how long I lived.
I could see it in your eyes, that you honestly believed that I didn’t want you anymore.
The most absurd, ridiculous concept-as if there were any way that I could exist without needing you!
Bella, what were you thinking?
I knew it. I knew I was sleeping.
So don't try to spare my feelings, please -- just tell me now whether or not you can still love me, after everything I've done to you. Can you?
What kind of idiotic question is that?
Just answer it. Please.
The way I feel about you will never change. Of course I love you -- and there's nothing you can do about it!
Marry me first.
.. Okay. What's the punch line?
Well, I’m nearly a hundred and ten. It’s time I settled down.
I knew that last glimpse of his face would haunt me until I saw him smile again.
Hope you liked it. :D
Twilight New Moon pt 1 New Moon pt 2