May 23, 2004 19:44

I was just given my exam timetable. I have two exams in two weeks. Are you ready? English: Monday 28th 8:45 - 11:00, Philosophy: Tuesday 29th 8:45 - 11:00... GREAT! So the question on everybody's lips is 'will she still watch Sex and the City', and my answer, of course, 'hell yes'.

Next topic: I have been fucking around on the computer, sitting on my bed and my arse fell asleep. Seriously, this has never happened to me before. Tres weird...

Ok... yeah i have a HUGE fucking art assignment due tuesday week - It's worth 50%. Status: have not started.

Once again, another action-packed weekend for me... NOT (hehe). Well I DID clean my room. AGAIN.

I am in desperate need of new clothes... SERIOUSLY... but I can't buy a thing because I have to save for god damned London. And every day at work I just have to walk past BELINDA, don't I? OH MY GOD I WANT ALL THE STUFF IN THERE... ALL OF IT! *sob sob sob*

Whhat else is news? Oh, I think I need glasses for reading. Speaking of which... Gab did I see you at Narrabeen today? Is your liscence plate number YAB-___ ??

Over and out fo' shizzle y'all.

**Oh and Luce, you were right all along, of course. I have decided that I want to be an art teacher :)
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