(no subject)

Dec 30, 2004 15:33

Well, here's the article. Keep in mind, that the school mentioned in here, is where my cousin Zach goes. And where I would have gone, if I had ended up living with my dad 3 years ago.

HERE IS THE WEBSITE: http://www.dnj.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20041228/NEWS01/412280316/1002/NEWS17

Jack Butchareon is happy he didn't get to go on the vacation he planned this year - mainly because the trip he had in mind would've taken him to Thailand over Christmas, and the hotel he and his family would've been staying at ended up as a television disaster shot.

A 20-foot tidal wave spawned by a magnitude 8.9 earthquake underneath the Indian Ocean killed 22,000 in Southeast Asia early Sunday, leaving several countries in chaos.

"I am shocked, because the area that it hit in Thailand is the place that we used to take the kids to vacation last Christmas," said Butchareon, whose family moved to Murfreesboro 15 years ago. "Last year, we lived in that hotel that's on the TV right now."

The family, Butchareon said, was in the hotel a year ago today - and would've been in the hotel when the earthquake and following tsunamis that struck off the coast of Indonesia's Sumatra Sunday unleashed fury on the area.

Luckily for Butchareon and his family, they had too much to do this year to make a trip back to their native Thailand.

"We planned to go back this year, too," said Butchareon, who owns LPB Inc., a hardwood flooring company that uses wood from Thailand. His wife, Bubpha, owns Bangkok Cafe on West College Street just off the Public Square.

Even though his own family is safe, Butchareon is worried about a family friend who might've been in Thailand when the tidal wave hit.

"We're kind of worried because one of our kid's friends went to Thailand with their parents," he said. "We tried to get in touch with the mom, but we can't get them to respond yet, so we're kind of worried about her.

"She's a student at Siegel High School," he added.
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