Oct 28, 2004 22:52
i find it quite funny how someone can get mad at me for saying something i didnt say to someone that is such a "good person." and then what, a week later, have that "good person" come in to my work and see me, and then proceed to talk tons of shit about me to my co-workers. real fucking cool. and just to let everyone know, i didnt write that stupid fuckin anonymous comment, because if i felt that way, i would have the balls to leave my fuckin name. see:
to be honest, i really didnt like this person in middle school, but ive done a lot of growing up since then and completely forgot about ridiculous middle school quarrels. for over three years i had absolutely no problem with this "good person," well up until tonight when she showed who she really is, some shit talking little bitch. so next time some petty fucking livejournal drama takes place, please gather all the facts before you go pointing the finger.
on a lighter note, im becoming a mormon so i can have multiple wives named tilly and the wall and rilo kiley. the end