Mar 16, 2005 12:39
so just the other day i relized that no one can be trusted no one at all and people abuse the word best friend . i have been trying to be so god damn nice to everyone and for most people i accomplished that but for others i obviously didnt. im so sick of people talking shit and those people im sure you know who you are because you guys have been talking ALOT of shit when i have done nothing. as i far as i know i did absolutley NOTHING to deserve this. and yall wonder why i cant wait to leave pc and go home to california just me and my boyfriend ((that is if i still have one by the way today went i doubt i will)) things are so much niicer on the other side is what they say but i have been to both sides and personally i liked the side i was on before... not that some of this time here wasnt fun special thanks only to nick parks, jon rosa, trent cooke, anthony rubino, jessica smith, and alot of those old friends i had last year but for some reason i talk to none of them now and vise versa. i also relized how much i miss being friends with sloane book because me and her were the bestest friends you could ever find but sometimes getting screwed over doesnt always help make the friendship any better. and really life is not always what you want it to be and its not all just going to fall into place for you. you need to makes things work.people go talking this and talking that but really they dont even know why... im so sick of those kids that want to be the "in the scene" kids, the ones that think getting drunk is cool when youre 14 and 15 or the ones that talk shit because they thinks its so awsome to talk shit and speard rumors but really its not cool when the tables get turned on you and when youre the one thats getting talked lowly of... i deff. know how it feels because people have been talking shit about me but what they dont know is that i have stopped caring. but also i have said nothing .. not a damn thing...but im ware shit happenes people talk shit and they always will especially the immature freshman ((jessica you are a way diff story.. im not alppying to you)) that think that hott but its NOT get it thorugh your immature little heads that talking shit isnt cool all it does is gets you enemies and a bad name and even make you loose something you have always wanted but because you said some stupid shit you didnt get it/him/her. believe me i would know because wanted something so bad but the way i acted didnt get me any closer to it but now i know better what to and not to do.... and the one person i thank the most for that is nick parks... you know what you did and the way you changed me alot last year. but anyways i ahve learned to say goodbye to yesterday... ok well i need to end this but last of all dont focus on the past or plan the future just stay with the present because really you dont know what is going to happen in the future all you can do is imagine it.
<3 thanks to the ones that changed me for the beter...
screw the rest of you that tried to bring me down. maybe one day yall will relize it WASNT worth it in the end.