today has just been RANDOM~
five minutes ago, i came out with the most stupid thing ever [unless you don't watch anything bam related, then you wouldn't know but..]
scai-kun: don vito reminds me of george?
me: [distracted by fullmetal alchemist pictures & pictures of ed] who's don vito?
i'm such an idiot. i know full well who don vito is =P
but edward elric distracts me muchly.
anywaaaay, jess popped over this morning about 11am which was a nice pleasant surprise.. we talked oldschool stuff & memories, & of jess' usual "losing-phone" antics.. & just as we said that, two minutes later she dropped her phone & the back fell off. then she said it must be me because every phone that broke obv broke around me =P [minus a few though..]
she jumped on scai-kun to wake him up, & then took a wander around our room, which includes two & a half full shelves of manga, a whole shelf of anime & games, & two MASSIVE wallscrolls plus a ton of posters. ahem, we'll leave out the messy floor.
i've never described my room before =O
jess had to leave at 1pm-ish to meet kev.
so time flew [unfortunately] as i had to have my bloodtest taken. it took all of 30 seconds but it hurt like hell.
i'm serious!! & every time i tensed after that for like four hours it hurt. >_<
darn needles.
it's okay now though.
russell came over this evening.. hana couldn't make it =(
i'm sure i'll see hana soon though, i know of it!
we showed him fullmetal alchemist vol 1 (but we only made him watch the first episode) ~[because, hohoho i'm addicted.]
& we all played donkey konga, apart from me! because i didn't wanna embarrass myself as my reactions are slow... feh, say no more! ^-^
ohh yess, i had the most randomest dream last night. two of my ex school buddies [who turned evil so i beat them up, no, i didn't really (but wish i had because they were horrible ppl)] came over to watch inuyasha which turned into urusei yatsura [in english] which halfway through turned japanese.. um? & then i went upstairs & apparently there was another part to the house which had turned into a hotel room, my mum & erin were watching an anime [WTF! my mum never watches that, & neither does erin come to think of it o_O] & then i went upstairs to look for my boyfriend, & we.. uhh, made out to metropolis. except it wasn't metropolis, it was a different anime, & it wasn't the scary old one either >_< uhh.. that dream was per-se pointless!!
rave master is getting good...
elie aka 3173 is going to die!! & she's about to get shot down by some hot guy who i bet will become all nice in the end like yuan did, because you know it's gonna happen, uhh..
so be it.
gonna watch inuyasha & fullmetal alchemist now. CIAO~
pps; i've gone for a fullmetal alchemist iconage theme, obssessed much? do i care much about that? i think not. edward elric is too hot to care about being too obsessed.. ohhh it's all healthy. =D
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