Feb 28, 2005 14:33
yesterday on the way to liza's we did our usual stop off in central london to pick up some mangas.
scai-kun's so sweet, he treats me to a manga every week.. i've run out of money so i can't buy my own either =(
really wishing i had some cash just lying around.
i was really sick & tired after the journey, & thought i couldn't cope with it, since the jubilee line was out of commission. but we stopped off to check out orbital [which was open for once] fehh, whenever we walk past it it's normally closed on a sunday. we dropped in & i saw to my excitement & fondness, full metal alchemist figures [FUCK YES!] so since they didn't have edward in the ones on the shelf, i spent fifteen whole minutes debating whether to get one out of the boxed ones [which didn't have ANY indication who was in them].. & out of a one in six chance of getting edward the guy working in the store made me open mine in front of everyone so he could see if i'd got edward.. & soforth.....
i am now the proud owner of an edward elric figure!
it goes right on the collectors shelf next to blackrose & the sailor moon scouts.
scai-kun also purchased fruits basket number five for me. i so need to read all my mangas now.. i'm building up a collection of unread ones >__<
went to FADS when we got to kilburn to pop in & see wendy who was happy to see us.. & she eventually asked whether her & rob could pop over this saturday but since i'm feeling drained out & a bit crappy i said i wasn't too sure yet, i'd let them know.
we got to liza's by bus, i felt pretty damn drained out by this time so i crashed out in scai-kun & mine's bed in his old room. then we ate curry..
& his mum let me borrow her book on "feel the fear & do it anyway" [which so far has bored the tears out of me, but since it's a self help book, i suppose it has to] on recommendation of my therapist who i've stopped seeing as i wait for counselling therapy.. fehfehfeh.
russell called me, he's coming over thursday with hana who i haven't seen in 454646456565 dog years.
i'm currently eating cold toast & waiting on scai-kun getting up so we can a] perservere with mum's fabulous list of things to do for her & b] go out & get his metropolis figure in kit krazy down the road which he's been wanting to get forever....
i wanna record two episodes i missed of rave master tonight.
the american dubbed one makes me wanna cry though.. i wish it wasn't so EDITED.
eeeeee~ ...please don't destroy full metal alchemist if it ever comes out over here.
WHOA. this post has been filled with rambling about anime/manga/full metal alchemist & what i did yesterday. plus i can't write for shit today, i'm still tired & crappy & coldddddddd. so if this entry bored you or didn't make any sense, i'm sorry. it cannot be helped.
later~ y'all.
ps; yesterday was mine & scai-kun's 1 year & 5 month anniversary.. oh & we'd known each other an exact two years. =D