Jul 27, 2010 21:58
Well the weekend was intense. After saturday night I feel enlightened and a lot looser, which is good.
Had a lovely day in whitby with Aaron and Jem on saturday. Fish & chips, bowling, icecream, arcades + pub. Wonderful. Went round to brads on sunday for a couple of biffs, brews & trashy tv, it was lovely.
Tomorrow my mam goes to India on her own for 10 days, so if anyone wants to come round and get smashed they're welcome to. Gonna have a chat with her tonight about some do's and don'ts. Like, don't leave your purse in the room alone with your weird money grabbing womanizer, and do carry a switch blade on you at all times. Nah just kidding, though i do worry. Went on his facebook the other day, he's got about 60 friends and 50 of them a english women, I don't know wether to laugh or cry.
I miss my facebook. Well i don't, i feel free with out it because I was sick to death of everyone, but I miss having the method of communication with those who are decent. I'll probably reactivate it soon enough. I don't miss it as much as I miss dave though.
Denise is alive and well in eastenders, isn't that good? She better seek vengance on that nutcase vicar.
My dad is in Norway at the moment at a pre season friendly so i've got the dog which is nice, it's good to spend time with her cuz I don't really know how long she's got left and I hate thinking about that.
Parties this weekend, fun fun fun. I'm enjoying this summer, looking forward to leeds fest. As it stands i'm off on my own and not camping. I hate buying tents only to leave them there, and I hate packing them up hungover even more.