Apr 09, 2009 23:26
What a day.
It started out with optimism: I'm going to get a good chunk of studying for Finance done because this weekend isn't going to allow for much procrastination. Then PMS decided to pay visit, though Gen noticed it before I did. I was in denial. It was confirmed as soon as I arrived at Starbucks and without hesitation, bought a Chicken Chipotle sandwich and a Mocha Frappuccino. I maxed out on the recommended daily intake of junk food today.
But really, I'm more amused about how timing is everything -- or rather was everything today.
I left Spanish class at 2:15 hoping to catch the 2:30 bus home, but I ran into a few people on my way to the basement, and given my current anti-social status, I figured it wouldn't hurt to throw in a few hi's here and there. Goodbye 2:30 bus. So I make it for the 2:45 bus with about 5 minutes to spare, but at the last minute, I decided to go to Vari and see if, by some miracle, someone had turned in my GO bus pass this week. The L&F guy was a bastard and told me no one had handed any passes in without even looking. Whatever. I had a bus to catch.
So I'm on the 3:00 bus. Pulled into the terminal by 3:30. I considered running to catch the 110 bus to SC but I decided I would stay in Starbucks and try to do work. Bought my junkfeast, and brought it to the crowded corner where my stuff was since it was the only spot I could find. So I'm awkwardly looking around, squinted and realized that I was looking straight at Maria.
Happiest moment of my day.
So the next two and a half hours was a write-off in terms of studying but it was the break I needed. I feel like I've been pretty productive with finance today, though the blogging probably isn't helping.
I thought I had more interesting things to say.
Haha, hmmm. It'll come to me another time I suppose... when I need another study break ...and I feel like listening to George. Baha.
Hasta later.