(no subject)

Jul 10, 2005 13:09

Okay so I have been working on the info page. && I will be working on the layout later. Everyone needs to post an application. If you have posted the old application, then yes you still need to post a new application..and that can be found in the info. Also.. follow the rules or you will get banned! That includes the whole commenting with the yes or no in the subject line and giving reasons.

Me and Ich_Liebe_Paris {Ryan} will be working on the Themes and Scavenger Hunts. Also, after we get 30 or more members we will have everyone vote on MOTM {Member Of The Month} and HOTM {Hottie Of The Month}

We will also give points to people who promote us, make banners for us {accepted, banned, rejected, promotional}, people who do the themes and scavenger hunts as well.

So promote as much as you can!
&& if you are talented enough, make banners!
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