It's been the most totally fun weekend, like, ever since me and
my snoogums have lived here!
Wesley and
Frankie's wedding was sooooo beautiful! I totally would've cried except, like, I didn't wanna mess up my makeup. And my beautiful dress was a hit!
Cordy told me she'd never seen one like it before. Then
Faith said, "Bet you could see one like it at a Vegas cathouse." Like, anyone know what she meant by that? 'Cause I totally don't. Wonder why Cordy stepped on her foot when she said that?
The reception was fun except there was no blood sauce for the cake. Like, cake just doesn't taste right without it. I was gonna go to the kitchen and whip some up, because like I love to cook, but Frieda's mom asked me where I got my shoes and I totally got distracted. Oh well!
I'm watching my DVD of Jaws because it's sooooo neat when the shark attacks everyone and blood gets all in the water and stuff. I can watch it over and over. Duh-nuh. Duh-nuh. Wheeeeee! Bite his ass, sharky!