So, okay, like whatever. I'm sooooo tired of this place.
It was kinda fun at first after I totally ditched
El Broodo and got out of this slummy ghetto-looking part of future world. I went up to the top, where everything's cleaner. There's still enough big buildings where I can stay inside, because hello? Vampire! Sun is not a good thing.
I've done a ton of shopping and trying on clothes... and shoes... and makeup. Totally awesome. They said they can't take my credit cards here, but hello, not like I have anywhere to put stuff if I bought it anyway. Okay, I know you're not gonna believe it, so get ready for this: You can get bored with shopping. That's like totally... wow. I never knew that before!
I kinda want to go home though. I even miss Angel. A little bit. Okay, not really. But he might know how we can, like, get back to L.A. Guess I should go back to that ghetto place and try to find him, huh?