OOC Meme

Dec 30, 2005 02:05

Everybody's doing it, doing it...
Blaired from all over.

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See _harley_quinn_'s results. )

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RE: #10 mrs_dibny December 30 2005, 09:43:59 UTC
Not to mention she's the first Harliqunn and probably add that to the list of reasons to tan your hide.


Re: #10 _harley_quinn_ December 30 2005, 14:26:52 UTC
Good point! I'm crazy, not stupid.


Re: #10 alt_minds2 December 31 2005, 23:11:53 UTC
Aren't we all crazy, some more than others.

Thanks for the halp against Terra. She was very unpleasant.


Re: #10 _harley_quinn_ December 31 2005, 23:17:29 UTC
You're welcome! Goddess of Chaos my red and black ass!! That chick from Xena was more chaotic! ;)


Re: #10 alt_minds2 December 31 2005, 23:44:03 UTC
Well, not everyone follows that "I'm getting mine, and screw everyone else" mentality. Sure, there's a lot of folks who buy into that mentality, but the world doesn't have to be like that.

There's enough folks who walk away from that garbage to give me a little hope, at least.


Re: #10 _harley_quinn_ December 31 2005, 23:54:33 UTC
See, I have no problem with "Want, take, have." She just didn't do it with any style!


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