Busy Weekend...

Oct 02, 2005 19:15

Okay, this has been one busy and weird weekend. First of all, Red came to visit on Friday! We had so much fun! I forget how nice it is to have a best friend. And we're going on a road trip!! YAY!

I know, I know, I just got back from traveling but it's one thing to see the sights on your own and it's another to go with a friend. Plus it's sort of a working vacation, so we'll be getting paid for it and free hotel rooms! I think I'm gonna order lobster at least once at every hotel!!

I did my good deed for the week, too. Don't let anyone say I haven't done my bit for society because Mr. Personality was, from what the people who worked for him said, a giant pain in the keester and the world's a better place without him. Of course, that freaky vampire chick that appeared out of nowhere threw me for a loop but, hey, I'm adaptable.

Ooh! And then I found this really nice toy for the Babies to play with. I could only it with the Batfink, and they didn't have any Robins, so I got two of Batsy, one each for Bud and Lou to chew on.

Gotta run, I still have things to pack before Ivy picks me up tomorrow. I wonder where we're gonna go first; we got so busy I forgot to ask.
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