World Tour...

Sep 15, 2005 22:06

(This takes place shortly after the plague)

You know what? I need a theme song. Something peppy and bouncy that gets into people's heads and stays there until they stick an ice pick in their ears to get it out. That would be too funny! Maybe I should kidnap one of those Backstreet brats and hold him hostage for , like, a couple million and force him to write one for me at the same time?

Nah. It would never work. Most people would be glad to get rid of the little Abercrombie and Fitch reject. Bummer.

So, I've done Egypt. Lemme tell you, the local officials get kinda annoyed when you spray paint "Harley Wuz Here" on a couple of pyramids. 'Course, they never noticed when I slipped a few things out of the British Museum in Cairo. Lazuli Lapis looks so good with red!

Of course, the Babies just loved being back in Africa! Lou, especially, liked to chase camels. In the marketplace. I was able to pick up all sorts of pretty baubles and stuff during the riots.

Then I moved on to Italy. Ah, lovely Rome! It would have been so romantic if Mister J had been there, and we could have gone to Venice and ridden on a gondola. Or better yet, visited that leaning tower thingie and either blown it up or made it straight. I didn't stick around Italy too long ; it was too romantic.

~sigh~ I miss my Puddin'.

I didn't even stop in France. Without Mister J it would have been too depressing. Besides, it's filled with all those...French people. And I'm going going anywhere you eat snails!! URH!

London's a total blast, though! Especially during the plague! Gotta get in contact with Red and let her know what a good job she did , patching me up that time me and Mister J had that little tiff. I didn't get a sniffle one while everybody else was droppin' like flies!

Meanwhile, London was all panicked and people trying to get out of the city and there was looting and riots! It was just the kinda thing a girl like me could have some fun with!! I had some of the chemical stuff that Mister J used in Gotham Harbor and I dumped it in the Thames! Wonder what the Brits are gonna think when their Fish-n-Chips are grinning at 'em?

I had fun other places, too. Harrod's was deserted and I was able to go on a shopping spree, only without paying for anything , of course! Gotta say, for a place that serves the snooty upperclass it had some great junk! I was able to get a whole new fall wardrobe, including the great little red and black number for the next time I see my Puddin'.

I do miss him like crazy, though. I just don't understand. Usually we fight, I run away and he comes after me. He didn't come after me this time. Is it me? Am I getting too old? Does the red and black make my butt look too big?

I'm thinking that now the cops are getting back to normal around here, it's time to head home. For one thing, they'll probably find a couple of my other pranks and not be too happy with me. Benny Hill and Monty Python aside, the British have no sense of humor. I only tried to steal one of the smaller dinosaurs in the museum once. And all the animals at Monkeyworld just looked so sad, I had to let them out.

Plus, I really want to find out what's up with Mister J. Maybe he'd like it if I chased him for a while? I mean, he always likes to tie me up; wonder if I did it to him if it would spice things up a little? Lock him up until he loves me again.

Yeah, I think it's time to head back to good ol' Gotham. 'Course, I can't just leave London without taking a couple of souvenirs with me! And I've got just the ones in mind! hee!

This is going to be so much fun!!

plague, harley_quinn

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