Apr 07, 2005 18:05
Today was awfully boring. I forgot to show Mr. Chant what I was doing for the Bearns public speaking competition after class. I did show him the article though. Hopefully he'll cut me a little slack because I was absent when he told us about it. I'm going to do a piece of the London Times article on the September Massacre in France in 1792. My favoruite bit of it is this: 'Are these "the Rights of Man"? Is this the LIBERTY of Human Nature? The most savage four footed tyrants that range the unexplored desarts of Africa, in point of tenderness, rise superior to these two legged Parisian animals.-Common Brutes do not prey upon each other.' Went to Starbucks with Caroline after I got off the bus. We took turns taking pictures of eachother, and some of the ones of me actually look like I do in person. Maybe I'll post them when she gets back from therapy and sends them to me.