I am currently trying to navigate dense layers of red tape from multiple country's governments to get the necessary paperwork to be able to visit the creepiest place on Earth. But there is a deadline. Deadlines and red tape don't mix... this might not work. :-/
There are some pretty creepy places in the world, including
- The Catacombes de Paris, in France.
- Centralia (AKA Silent Hill), in the USA.
- Auschwitz, in Germany.
- The Sedlec Ossuary, in the Czech Republic.
- Unit 731, China.
But most of these places are creepy because of a past that has passed.
There is another place, where the past casts its reach into the present.
They call it Зона відчуження Чорнобильської АЕС.
It describes a circular area of land 60km wide. Near the centre of it lay a bustling modern city of 50,000. About 20 years ago, in one sudden exodus, all human inhabitants fled the city and the surrounding area - almost overnight - and they never returned. There is an energy in the air and ground that sickens, and it is all around, invisible and silent. If you go there, you don't stay long.
Meanwhile, in a land without people, the city is slowly being consumed by the earth: