Jun 29, 2005 20:09
1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."
2. I will respond by asking you five questions. I get to pick the questions.
3. You will update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions
Kelli's questions for me...
1. If you could be any animal...what would it be and why?
*good one...i think i'd probably be a lemur because lemurs live in jungles and get to play in trees all day & their striped tails are super cool...
2. How would you describe the color orange?
*to me, the color orange tastes like an orange, is one of the colors in a sunset, and is the color of the cones they put in the street during road work and stuff. and it happens to be my favorite color.
3. Can you explain the rise and fall of the Roman empire? Or if you would rather answer this, what is one of the craziest things you have heard me say or do?
*Hmm...let's see here...Rome started out as a small city-state, and after winning the Punic Wars, became increasingly powerful throughout the Mediterranean. By the end of the first century B.C., Rome controlled almost all of the known world. Rome's government went from a Republic to an autocracy, under the rule of a great leader, Julius Caesar. The time during and following Caesar's rule was known as Pax Romana, but was shortlived because of threatening Barbarian tribes. Caesar was assasinated on the Ides of March, and shortly after, the triumvirate took over the empire. One member of the triumvirate, Octavian (aka Augustus) was later proclaimed emperor. The Roman Empire went through some interesting events when Jesus stepped into the picture. The Jewish people were treated unfairly, and there was much persecution of anyone who claimed to be a Christian. After the emperor Constantine ruled, the empire began rapidly declining. The armies were much weaker, due to the fact that they had been used to being pampered and being lazy, and were quite vulnerable to Barbarian attacks. The empire was split in two, taxes were out of control, and not much could be done to save the greatest empire of all time.
And there you go- the Rise and Decline of the Roman Empire, in a nutshell. Hope you enjoyed the history lesson. Class dismissed. :)
4. Who is hotter.. Chad Michael Murray or Christian Bale? (tough I know)
*no fair! probably chad, only because he's younger. (that's a VERY unfair question...)
5. If you could take one thing(clothing wise)from someone what would it be? (anyone) And why would you select that item of clothing?
*Where in the world did you come up with this question??? I definitely would take Lauren's UF hoodie, because I love hoodies, it's orange, and it's from UF.
Well. That was fun. Really, it was. :)
Ta-ta for now, *k*