Dec 20, 2004 18:09
Wow this has been such a crazy weekend......
So Fiday night i stayed at mi casa with kem n allen it was kewl.... yet on saturday morning i went to their games, fun yes... but then i got a call from that awesome kid val!!! she was off grounding onm account of being blind in one i came over... it was all gonig well until we got locked out on the balcony... thats when the crazyness were outside freaking out thinking we would be locked outside all night *karen wouldnt be home till later* so were looking around and im waving awesome spoons... luckly the new neighbow could see us out there waving our arms and he came out side.... he let us back in her house... things got crazyier after that.... so the guy comes outside and starts talking to us...some stuff is thrown.... starts battle de balconys!!! awesome ... it was hardcore (ben) y Dumbkan (chris)vs Jerry (me) y dead ted (val).... tomatoes were thrown and then a huge water fight... we almost won but the guys were too smart for us... the battle carried over to the next night... where it was battle of the knocks and the posters....we won that time....
i saw paul:)