Its too bad,

Apr 16, 2009 10:53

That it costs like a bajillion dollars to pick up your house and just movie it elsewhere. Man I really do love my house, but I seriously hate my neighbors. And my neighbor hood (don't get me wrong, its a nice enough neighbor hood, I just wish I had a bigger yard for my pups!).

This little bastard ran away earlier, I should have kicked his ass, but I was to happy to find him safe that when I stopped crying, I was just happy.

Wouldn't it be seriously sweet if I could afford to move my house! I'd be all, look out Mom and Dad, we're a' comin! And then my dogs would have acres and acres to run and play, and I would get to live by my best friend again, and see the fam all the time.

If everyone just got everything they ever wanted all the time, do you think there would be more murders or less?

These pictures are 4 years old, and were just sent to me, I laughed. I don't remember how to do a lj cut so, sorry.

That's about all the randomness I can think of for now.
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