Jun 23, 2009 12:49
UnitNameCreditsMarkUnit Result
Unit Marks for H200 year 1 CENG11200Geotechnics 11069Pass CENG11300Fluid Mechanics 11039Compensated Pass CENG11700Structural Engineering 12056Pass CENG13000Civil Engineering Systems 11065Pass CENG16010Civil Engineering Design 11065Pass CENG16030Computing 110 Pass CENG16100Surveying 11057Pass EMAT10004Mathematics with Maple 12077Pass MENG11101Properties of Materials 11061Pass MENG11202Thermodynamics I1081Pass
Year Assessment Marks AssessmentContribution to DegreeMark First Year0%64
Result: Pass
Progression: MEng Year 2
Yayyyy! I got a 2:1... did really well in maths & thermo so why am I doing civil eng?? Failed fluids- knew that was gonna happen but I thought I had done worse in structures and better in properties of materials.
I can be human again now.