May 26, 2005 23:00
If you could meet any famous personality, living or dead, and smack them in the head with a large trout, who would it be?
At first thought I would probably say Angel. Really think he needs to have some sense knocked into him. He was given the opportunity to have all the power in the world. But his choice was to be a champion of the people instead. He decided to give up everything most people would die for, including unbelievable wealth and power. Still not sure why he done it. Especially after he signed away his claim to the Shanshu Prophecy. So why would he still choose to fight against impossible odds, to fight for something that he would never get to enjoy even if he did survive. He would still be left sulking in the shadows, never able to walk in the sun, or live a normal life. So yes, I think he was fool. At least in signing away a shot at true happiness again.
Yet I am to professional to ever smack anyone with a large trout. Maybe rip out someones heart, but certainly not fish smacking. Cause do think that a large trout would be smelly. For the sake of cleanliness, wouldn't let my hands ever touch a dead fish.
Although if was wearing gloves, then would be more likely to consider it. Actually think that a famous personality that deserves to be smacked would be Barry Manilow. Writing the songs the whole world sings, I think not. More like the songs that some annoying and bad singers sing. Cause he is the inspiration for many a bad tune that Angel has sung. Perhaps is a form of psychological torture that Angel likes to lay upon his enemies. In any case, Angel and his musical idol Mr. Manilow certainly deserves a good fish smacking.
Muse: Marcus Hamilton
Fandom: Angel
Words: 310