Jun 24, 2006 18:32
I've had Fridays off now for the past couple of weeks and I must admit I'm enjoying the change. Granted, Open Mic Tuesdays are fun, but they ain't no Friday that's for sure. Friday just seems to have a special air about it. Last week it involved some wicked times, 5 hours of dancing, and a rightious sunburn. Last night invovled more dancing and a double double white Russian at Lotties. Speaking of Lotties, good God damn, the place was packed, I ran into so many people I knew, and sweet jesus the ladies. I forgot what downtown could be on a Friday.
In the mean time work continues to be mostly consuming and the World Cup eats up whatever is left. I seriously don't know when I'm going to sleep this week. Inventory is on Thursday, more tatooing on Wednesday, England and The Netherlands games tommorrow. Exhaustion now. Oiy, Vey. Sleep is for the week I suppose. It's like food. Or air.
Speaking of the games tommorrow, any plans to get together and watch the games. England plays some losers and the Netherlands faces off against the cry babies known as the Portuguese. Email or call and we'll get something on the go wha?