Dec 12, 2010 00:00
- 10:58 Police promise "robust & intrusive" response to future demos--beating disabled & threatening 12yr-olds is pussying around? RT @johnrickards #
- 11:33 #TopTips - Get away with beating your children by taking away their pocket money and shutting them in the freezer until they have a tantrum. #
- 12:01 The facebook TCG 'Warstorm' has uprated its art, which was one of the few gripes I had about it when I reviewed it. #
- 12:11 #ifsantawasblack this vaguely racist trending hashtag would be #ifsantawaswhite #recursive #
- 12:12 #charity - don't like to talk about it - #charidy #
- 12:16 Hashtags are way better than smileys for ensuring you get across the right tone. #smugselfsatisfaction #
- 12:52 What we're arguing against and what we're fighting for #ukuncut #
- 13:07 You know what I'd love? Fighting someone who WASN'T using a bazooka in FME. #
- 13:41 Dead Nation, any good? Worth a tenner? #PS3 #
- 14:52 Since I seem to repeat this: That X is worse, doesn't mean Y is good. Killing children is worse than maiming them. Maiming isn't OK. Right? #
- 15:00 Govt to Disabled: "You're next sonny jim!" - Those of you brushing off the student protests waking up yet? #
- 15:10 Might try doing an update rpg again, if only to take my mind off politics... anyone up for it? #
- 16:40 RT @aegirthor: What a pic. Couldn't resist. Merry Xmas from HM Government: (apologies to #
- 16:50 "Blind drunk on a rocket cycle?": Ace Slam, Space Bastard #
- 17:24 .@call_me_Salome Twitter: Crowdsourcing procrastination via 'tribal' social networking in web 2.0 #buzzwords #
- 19:25 Bloggery: Mate... you really shouldn't shit in the sink. #politics #cunts #losefriendsandalienatepeople #
- 20:11 Prophetic hashtags, I should start doing lottery numbers... #alltoopredictable #
- 20:35 How to protest: via @jearle #
- 20:43 I have to swear more often... :P #
- 20:57 I think I'll 'tube about @ctiv8 next time I get an opportunity. Seems timely. #RPG #
- 21:14 My gay dads, squeak: #SCIENCE! #
- 21:49 Fastfiction looks like a fun challenge, but I'm a big fan of 'Brians' - 50 word stories. #Writing #
- 22:02 - Yep, it's worse than just tuition fees, but everyone can grasp those, not this. Via Fiat Knox on FB #
- 22:37 #HIGNFY #Pandaporn Bambooty. #
- 22:41 #HIGNFY #Pandaporn Black on White on Black on White #