Aug 14, 2006 17:33
I got back at 1 AM on Sunday and today was my first day of school. I got to see everyone again, which was nice, and my schedule itself seems simple enough, although the classes aren't. 6 APs and one regular, but that's it might the hardest of all. I'm a little bit heartened because I got back my AP over the summer and I got a 3 in Latin and 4 in History, so at least I know that I'm capable of this courseload. I think.
It's just that - for at least today - it's a bit overwhelming. I have so many hours worth of homework in every class and all my teachers expect it tomorrow because apparently they all think that I was just off having fun in Europe and couldn't be bothered to come back in time...and tests. Tomorrow.
And my OCD is so terrible today. I had 40 Psych notecards to do, and I did about 15 in one colour of ink and then the pen went out, so I had to rip them up and start over again.
I dunno, I hope I can get all this done.