umm school sucks!

Sep 09, 2005 17:08

I can't really call these past couple days my school day since I haven't gotten my schedule changed yet. I'm supposed to get it changed tomorrow, hopefully. Mrs. Sharp said to get Mr. Do to e-mail her so hopefdully that means I'll get a new schedule in lunch of I'll be called down to the office to change it. I hope I don't have to see mrs sills though cause she's mean and I'm scared of her. I am really really hpoing I get my gym switched because I know NO ONE!! Not even anyone's name! We start changing tomorrow too and I'll be the one taking off my pants alone talking to myself because I have no friends. Man, I can't wait for that punishment. I don't even know what I'll do if she tells us to hang out and play basketball or pingpong. Yeah, I'll cry, or maybe I can put on high heels and run up and own the steps really fast because I'll have to break my leg sometime in heels and then I won't have to go to the class. Hopefully, I need surgery and be like Kate last year and not have to go to gym class all year and just go to health. I WISH! Well, I guess we'll see how tomorrow turns out. Oh yeah and I got all my school supplies ... how exciting.
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