Been too long

Jul 10, 2011 12:15

It's been too long since my last LJ entry... I just have to find the time more often to actually write things down, as it's in a sorry state of neglect right now. Facebook seems to have taken the upper spot, and short and impersonal messages take away my focus from writing more in-depth reports on the daily going-ons. My apologies to watchers/followers.

As a big part of news we had to go to the vets with Oscar. I've seen a opaque-ness forming in his left eye and had a feeling it was cataract, but because it came on within the span of 14 days or so I was slightly worried about more dire causes for the poor thing. The vet concluded cataracts as well, but I'm still not calmed by the short time frame it has taken hold in. The other eye seems fine, and Oscar in general doesn't seem to have noticed a change at all.

The Great Game Fairs of Ireland at Shane's castle was a blast again this year. Tons of people interested and talking away, loads of people commenting on the quality.. but sadly the follow-up of phone calls after the fair this year seem to be on the down. It may be because of the exceptional weather, and most people don't feel like rummaging through their freezers to look for something they want preserved, but fingers crossed those calls will start coming in again later on, gods know I need them!

As we're approaching mid July here in good ole Norn Iron tensions are once again high. Riots and fight are part of the daily the news, and until the end of Orange Marching season I'm afraid it'll stay that way. The bonfire for the night of the 11th that has been erected on the green in Churchill is massive, and I can't help but wonder how many people inside Churchill (Park and Crescent combined) actually want the damned thing. Personally I'd prefer one big bonfire in the town center, and making the whole event open and public. Ofcourse nothing can really be done about it, because anyone standing up to say they don't want it are likely to have their tyres slashed and houses damaged. Such joys

Six police officers were hurt in riots last night in Antrim, and on the news all we hear is 'loyalists this' and 'nationalists that'. Personally I'd like them all to chuck all that 'us and them' muck out of the window, and just resort to saying the obvious; that 'idiots' were involved.
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