Nothing is sweeter than the morning after...

Dec 16, 2006 10:01

...after finishing your last final of the quarter, that is.

I'm pretty sure I rocked it.

And now, total nerd that I am, I already have the books for my classes for next quarter, and I am actually excited to start reading them. International Political Economy (400 level, y'all). Trade and international finance and Marxism and the IMF and all kinds of happytimes for my brain. Yay.

Now I have a Saturday that isn't totally consumed by school stuff so I will do Xmas shopping and go for a run and maybe have another cup of coffee.

Also: guess what ridiculous/hilarious/atrocious Xmas cult classic they are showing for $5 at the Central Cinema tonight? Santa Conquers the Martians. Two words: cinematic genius.

Happy nondenominational holidays.
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