Feb 23, 2005 15:24
Tell you something you don't know, right?
I am endeavoring to get through the entire Bible in a year. I am a touch behind schedule, but not too bad.
And, man. It's blessing me like cuh-razy. It sounds so obvious to say that, but it's true!
I have never read most of the Old Testament, and to be honest, I didn't even have a working knowledge of even the most common accounts. I just didn't feel like it would be at all relevant to me. Like God was different back then.
But He's not, He's the same always, and reading His history is totally hitting home, and I'm finding that so many things that happen to me remind me of what God's teaching me through scripture.
Somehow He's blessed me with a real passion for His word, and that's something that I never had, ever. This is big news for me. It's so amazing.
I'm ripping through Deuteronomy right now, just cause I can't wait to find out what happens when we finally cross that Jordan.
I'm not kidding, I actually don't know.
But I will.