Sep 08, 2017 19:13
Hello, all! Well, it's been a long time since we wrote this fan fiction (12 years, to be exact) and thanks to a a sleuthing fan who tracked down my updated email address, asking for access to it, I've spent a long time trying to find any version that might've still been alive. We didn't post this one on the regular boards because of the subject matter, so there's not a lot who can read it. I remember a few sites came to us to ask permission to use it and that was fine with us, but I don't think those sites exist anymore. I have spent time adding those who requested it - many of those requests 5+ years old (I am so sorry about that!). I'd love to say I'll be adding people regularly, but my LJ presence in the last 10 years has been less than zero, so if you or anyone you know would like access to this, feel free to comment here and I'll try to check back periodically. If you stumble upon this post 10 years from this posted date, no promises ;-). Thank you, all of you, for being such loyal fans! I can't believe there's still such interest in a small, taboo fanfic this many years later. It's sure a blast from the past - Alli and I were both so young when we wrote it, I'm almost terrified to read it again, myself :D. Much love to all of you!