Its been such a long time

Apr 13, 2004 15:46

It's the second day of spring break week. Hooray! I love playing poker, it is the new love of my life. I need another job because Rite Aid is getting so old but I'm staying because they have stores all over the country and that would help me get a job if I moved to... California. There is one right near where I would want to move so it would be perfect. I can dream, can't I? I was supposed to post pictures of california but I like the photographs better than the digital ones so you will all have to suffer. Or you just don't really care. New York is such a drag yet I don't want to leave the small group of people I call friends. Everyone here is fake and so wrapped up in themselves and impressing other people that it's a load of bullshit. The majority of people in my school all talk shit about each other and then act like they're best buds. I only talk to like 8 people in our school about real stuff but I can't trust anyone else. I can't wait to get away from it.
On a lighter note, I got a shirt that has a huge picture of Doug Funnys face. It was only $1.08. Gotta love a salvation army going out of business with everything 75% off. I have to work soon, that doesn't excite me one bit. I guess it won't be so bad. Even though I do, I try and not complain about my job. I chose to have a phone, take my brothers car and go on trips all the time. They all cost money so I'd rather work at some shit job and enjoy the perks than sit on my ass.

I'm really thinking another trip to California is going to happen, but it could possibly mean being there on my best friends birthday, because that is when my brother graduates. I don't know if I want to do that to my binzerdoo. Her mom calls her that, so I figure why can't I?

Yesterday I read this paper I wrote last year on censorship and I realized it was really good. Just thought you should all know that.

That is enough from me.
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