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Oct 19, 2007 00:28

i love elaine. if me and carrie fail and her and brennan never quite work out im going to enslave her and marry her. we had so man great conversations today and went to a great show. ive really missed going to shows and really being able to talk outside of school with elaine, even if its about school, which i dont think its necessarily a bad thing to talk about. i think its more than legitimate that we should talk about college and school and tests and subjects we discuss in class outside of school. i think humanities has really helped me believe that and do it and blow off people, even carrie, when they get all defensive an anti-school. cause really school isnt just learning the stuff they teach but people and even if it means judging them and being wrong or thinking bad things or unduly classfying them in our mind. i think some people i hang out with and know dont understand that and cant cope with that cause they think so much about how they hate that people do that to them, but FUCK IT its a fact of life and its gonna happen and might as well get used to it and accept it and even embrace it. its going to help you to understand things about humans, maybe not that person or people or culture or popcult in specific or now-times but rather int he future and for the future and just for the experience of it. i think thats why i eavesdrop so much and half the time cant shut my mouth about it. or maybe just care to little of what people think of me or how it affects how i am perceieved. but really who cares, were gonna be gone in a year anyway.

anyway, end of that tirade. its so intersting to see how me and elaine how grown as people and friends. we have such an interesting love hate relationship and we jsut go at it other sometimes and can debate and talk and know what eah other is thinking and try and precombat it but int he end we know we're both right and slowly find common ground and learn/have learned a lot from each other in 4 years.

i love it, its really great and i look forward so much to talking to elaine this year and in college. cause im gonna.

in other news jimmy eat world was pretty good. their new songs.. well not so much but you can tell how passionate jim really was at the height of ther emo-ness i guess youd call it and how much he still believes and wants to believe. i feel like he put so much more energy and emotion into the older songs (inluding futures) compared to this new album. he will always have good lines and some goodlyrics but he cant replace the true emotion and power there was in 90's emo and that whole shindig.
and it was really cool to meet davey from The Promise Ring and Capn Jazz in person and talk to him and thank him for the music. i was like a nervous little girl doing it. i couldnt think of what to say at all.
carrie is also surprising me with something tomorrrow.. hopefully it goes better than her other surprises and semi-planned things... and hopefully it ivnvolves her and not like her and vyvy or her and someone else that could make the situation awkward. but no need to go into that and have that discussion/talk with myself about tthings like that after me and carries conversation.
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