I had to do it..it looked like so much fun..stealthily stolen from
peregrinekt Name/Google meme - Type "(Your name) is," with quotes, into a Google search.
Then pick out your favorite 10 (or however many) responses.
Natalie is so obvious.
Natalie is famous for one thing only
Natalie is young and still sexy
Natalie is on the cover of the dec/jan/feb 2001 issue
Natalie is my advice column
Natalie is Revved Up
Natalie is obsessed with Playboy Playmates
Natalie is causing a media frenzy in the UK over her
Natalie is a body in motion
Natalie is legally free for adoption
Natalie is only hype with no substance
Natalie is fluent in Japanese, English, and Hebrew
Natalie is the latest Mexican-American to find success with Latium Entertainment
and my favorite one of all
Natalie is gonna kill you
...okay so I couldnt do just 10..bite me