Apr 09, 2009 21:23
study carousel: 50 slides - 39 of them basic squares, varying in colours, some with lines or grids or 'zips', others a few squiggles, or geometric shapes.
such is the monochrome as a site for controversy, the contested colour field. but is it the formal endpoint for painting?
hello final examination for Abstraction in Twentieth Century Art.
and later in the afternoon, actual question from my prof - what is the relation between going to a dinner party, fucking your girlfriend, plucking your ass hairs, and loving your emperor?
oh Martial, you wiley first century Roman poet you. and your Latin, so dirty! cocks and cunts galore.
see you never U of T. well, except for that hot summer fling we gonna have. you know, may-june, maybe some early mornings, afternoon delight. but then i'm leaving you for good, we are so over. i got what i needed out of this relationship, and you sure did fuck me a lot. deal's a deal.